Mitchel Bigler – Mineral Fix Fix Your Water, Fix Your Life Fri, 06 Dec 2024 17:16:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mitchel Bigler – Mineral Fix 32 32 163378090 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Fri, 06 Dec 2024 16:31:26 +0000

How Does Mineral Fix Work?

Mineral Fix works by leveraging an all-natural solution of concentrated mineral salts. It oxidizes, resolves, and separates toxic contaminates in the water by raising Oxidation Reduction Potential, agglutination, flocculation, and deposition.  Mineral fix also introduces many trace minerals back into the water which provides the nutrients that our bodies, plants and animals need.

       Why this matters for your hot tub.  Having clean, purified water helps to simplify the maintenance needed to keep your hot tub ready for use and the water looking great. Depending on use if you follow our process mineral fix could keep your water looking good for up to 12 months

       Why this matters for your drinking water. Having clean purified water with the mineral fix minerals added back in has been tested and shown that the water treated with mineral fix can be more easily absorbed by your cells.  This leads to approx. 3x better hydration then popular sports drinks  

When Should I Put Mineral Fix Into My Hot Tub?

As soon as possible. Mineral Fix is designed to allow you to keep clean and purified water in your hot tub for a longer period of time.  It reduces the need to add additional chemicals to treat the water such as Chlorine or Bromine.  It is best to add mineral fix to water that has been shocked and cleaned or when you refill your hot tub.  We recommend a non-chlorine shock if needed. Mineral Fix will enable your water to stay clean for up to 4 months.  We also have a booster bottle that can be added after 3-4 months to extend the time in between draining and refilling your hot tub. It is recommended to only use the booster bottle of mineral fix twice before cleaning and refilling your hot tub.

Why Does Mineral Fix Discolor My Water When First Added To My Hot Tub?

Mineral Fix uses a concentrated solution of 30+ minerals found in black mica to help provide valuable nutrients to our bodies, plants, and animals.  These minerals have a brown tint in the concentrated solution.  It takes about 24-48 hours for the water in your hot tub to return to crystal clear water.  The water is safe to be in during this time.  As Mineral Fix is purifying the water there can be some residue left around the top of the water line.  Simply wash it off with a washcloth or sponge and then enjoy the clean, clear, and healthy water.

Will Mineral Fix Bleach My Swimsuit?

No. It is actually nice not to have to worry about what swimsuit you wear and bleaching or ruining your swimsuit if you are using Chlorine.  With Mineral Fix it does not matter. You do not come out smelling of chemicals and mineral fix should prevent bubbles when using the jets   
