Gregory McIver – Mineral Fix Fix Your Water, Fix Your Life Fri, 10 Dec 2021 23:40:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Gregory McIver – Mineral Fix 32 32 163378090 Better Hydration Equals A Better Life Fri, 10 Dec 2021 23:40:26 +0000 Regarding human hydration, currently there are two main problems. One is that most of us do not drink enough water. Second is that most of the water consumed is not quality water. 

How much water is enough water to stay hydrated? That’s hard to determine. It’s a problem of supply and demand. How much does our body demand and how good is the supply?

Most of us do not drink enough water. One study showed youth in the United States drank an average of 15 ounces of water daily. Another showed U.S. adults drank an average of 39 ounces of water daily. There is no standard of how much to drink. If you are outside in the middle of the summer in Death Valley versus a humid rain forest area of Olympia, Washington you’ll experience different temperatures and humidity levels.

Enough water daily is vital to cushion joints, protect and allow organs to operate properly, help distribute nutrients and gases, evacuate bacteria from bladder and urinary tract, remove waste and toxins, promote cardiovascular health, regulate body temperature, balance minerals, salts and electrolytes. Water is involved in every function of our bodies.

Effects of Dehydration

Besides death, common problems include fatigue, brain fog, memory loss, brain damage, obesity, chronic joint and muscle pain, kidney stones, premature aging, constipation, high or low blood pressure, irritability, digestive issues, rheumatism, eczema, heart attacks, general toxicity and more. 

In 2002 a PBS reality show chose 3 families to live as they were in the 1800’s on a homestead. In episode 4, Gordon Clune came down with severe mysterious joint pain and stiffness. Dr. Ace Walker deduced that he was dehydrated. After drinking more water, the symptoms went away. There are many stories of people who drank more water and negative symptoms disappeared.

Each and every one of our cells in our body needs to be properly hydrated at all times to function efficiently and effectively. If you have all the appropriate salts, amino acids, fatty acids, sugars, and minerals, but not enough usable water, the cell doesn’t function properly. If you have a garden with the right soil, plants and sunlight but not enough water, your garden will not do very well. 

An article in the Lancet back in May of 1993 substantiates the importance of cellular hydration. “Cellular hydration state: an important determinant of protein catabolism in health and disease” and “An increase in cellular hydration (swelling) acts as an anabolic proliferative signal, whereas cell shrinkage is an antiproliferative. 

In layman’s terms, a completely hydrated cell allows the cell to do its job and a dehydrated cell damages itself. 

The Quality of Water Matters

At the end of the article on our website, “Our Water Is Broken”, it mentions that the best waters in the world are from clean natural mineral springs. What makes these waters so good for drinking and or bathing?

The first obvious reason is that the waters are clean and pure. They have been spared from contamination and alteration of the modern industrial processes. Another reason is the effect of the minerals on the water. Minerals are known to be essential in biological functions. What effects do they have on water?

With a bachelors in Electrical Engineering and a PhD in Biomedical Engineering, Professor Gerald Pollack of the University of Washington has experimented and written extensively on water. He and his team over the years have discovered a phase of water called the Exclusion Zone or EZ water. He describes it more accurately as “liquid crystalline or semi-liquid” water. It helps explain some of the mysteries surrounding water. 

Dr. Pollack learned from Gilbert Ling PhD, “…water in the cell is nothing link water in a glass;”

Dr. Ling argues in his book, Life at the Cell and Below-Cell Level, that the cell membranes orders nearby water molecules which excludes other compounds from that area. If you’ve got contaminated water, the evidence seems to indicate that the cells cannot utilize this water as effectively as clean mineral water.

Even though waters may look and taste the same, they are different on an atomic or molecular level. Water treated with Mineral Fix™ is among the cleanest, most biologically usable water you can drink.

How Does Mineral Fix™ Fix Your Water?

Mineral Fix™ uses a unique natural combination of mineral salts that powerfully acts on water to neutralize contaminants and reorient water molecules. It raises the Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) of the water which indicates the available oxygen available in the water to react with undesirable substances in the water. The unique combination of the minerals in the water re-structures the water to have very beneficial properties.

In Dr. Pollack’s book, The Fourth Phase of Water, he discovered the UV absorption frequency of the EZ water or liquid crystalline water is 270 nanometers. 

In a laboratory test, 6 days after water was treated with Mineral Fix™ absorption frequency ranged high in the range of 190 to 380 nm and low absorption 380 nm to 750 nm. The tap water had little absorption but registered some in the 190 to 200 nm range. The absorption witnessed in the Mineral Fix™ water indicates the broad spectrum of suspended trace minerals in the water as well as possible “liquid crystalline” water. 

Tests performed showed Mineral Fix™ killed 100% of bacteria, 100% removal of chlorine and non detectable levels of many heavy metals and contaminants. 

Therefore, the better water you use, the better the cellular hydration and the better they operate. The better your cells operate, the better life you have.


G. H. Pollack and J. Clegg, Unexpected linkage between unstirred layers, exclusion zones, and water, In Phase Transitions in Cell Biology, G.H. Pollack and W.-C. Chin (eds.), (Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2008) pp. 143-152).

Drewnowski A, Rehm CD, Constant F. Water and beverage consumption among children age 4-13y in the United States: analyses of 2005–2010 NHANES data. Nutr J. 2013;12(1):85.

Rosinger AY, Herrick KA, Wutich AY, Yoder JS, Ogden CL. Disparities in plain, tap and bottled water consumption among US adults: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2007-2014. Public Health Nutr. 2018;21(8):1455-1464.

Our Water Is Broken Fri, 22 Oct 2021 20:18:03 +0000 The average adult body is approximately 60% water. Our brain, kidney, heart, lungs, muscles, liver and skin are all 70-85% water. Bones are 20-25% water. Teeth are 8-10% water.1 With our bodies being mostly water, it is important to have the best.

Unfortunately, the whole world water supply is contaminated. There is nowhere in the world that has escaped pollution. Even the most pristine areas are dirty. With all of our progress, we are fouling our nest and drinking the residue. Every snow-capped mountain, every brook, every stream, every river, every lake and every ocean contains pollutants of all kinds. Air pollution is from Bangkok to Beijing, Buenos Aires to Bogota, Boston to Barcelona and Baghdad. Man-made poisonous pollutants are constantly spewed into the air. Some sources are: trucks, automobiles, airplanes, trains, ships, rockets, incinerators, furnaces, power plants, factories, industrial/consumer chemicals and fumes, and industrial and military explosives. Natural processes spew methane, radon, smoke, carbon monoxide, sulfur, chlorine and more. What goes up must come down.

To illustrate the point, the remote continent of Antarctica has airborne residue of  the toxic heavy metal lead. Test samples from ice cores show a tremendous amount of industrial lead concentrations. “Our measurements indicate that approximately 660 tonnes [1.5 million pounds] of industrial lead have been deposited on the snow-covered surface of Antarctica during the past 130 years,” McConnell said. “While recent contamination levels are lower, clearly detectable industrial contamination of the Antarctic continent persists today, so we still have a ways to go.”2 Cities, businesses and homeowners broadcast pesticides. We are polluting our waters with agricultural fertilizers, pesticides, and fungicides.

Most of us live in cities or towns that supply our water. Most cities do a good job of making sure they don’t exceed the legal limits of pathogens and high levels of poisons. How ‘acceptable’ are the legal levels and is everything tested for? Just for starters, over 100,000 lifetime cancer cases could be due to carcinogenic chemicals in tap water.3

You can check your municipality to see what dangers may lurk in your water. This goes beyond the EPA standards and tells you what may not be safe in your water, not just what is legal. The Environmental Working Group has a free website to check your tap water. This is great to highlight what you may be absorbing on a daily basis.

Even if we’re not drinking the contaminated waters, our skin is taking a lot of the contamination into our bloodstream without being aware of it. How much of toxic elements in water can be absorbed through our skin? In the case of Volatile Organic Compounds it averages 64% listed in the AJPH4 and the NIH5. Our typical baths and showers are exposing us to unknown quantities of toxins. What other absorption are we unaware of? After testing waters in US homes the EPA found over 84,000 known contaminants, like chlorine, DBPs, pesticides, VOCs and lead6.

Even if your water is free of contamination, how effective is it in your body? Many things about water are still misunderstood7. Water has properties of being a fluid crystal. Individual water atoms bond with each other into larger clusters. When water is put under pressure through straight pipes larger clusters are formed. We have done things for convenience without knowing what the effects are. You may take the water out of the lake and pipe, but the lake and pipe is still in the water.

Are expensive bottled waters a good option? The Environmental Working Group doesn’t think so:

“Laboratory tests conducted for EWG at one of the country’s leading water quality laboratories found that 10 popular brands of bottled water, purchased from grocery stores and other retailers in 9 states and the District of Columbia, contained 38 chemical pollutants altogether, with an average of 8 contaminants in each brand. More than one-third of the chemicals found are not regulated in bottled water. In the Sam’s Choice and Acadia brands, levels of some chemicals exceeded legal limits in California as well as industry-sponsored voluntary safety standards. Four brands were also contaminated with bacteria.”8

The best waters in the world are from clean natural mineral springs.9 Mineral Fix™ will treat your water with properties as close to natural mineral spring water as you can get without taking the trip.









